Development of tender documentation and draft PPP agreement
Astana Invest, Industry Management
Approval and examination of tender documentation
Branch Management,Department of Economics and Budget Planning,Department of Finance
Consideration of the issue of payments of state obligations
Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Budget Commission
Announcement of the competition
Industry management
Qualification selection
Industry management
Consideration of competitive applications and determination of the winner
Consideration of the issue of accepting payments of state obligations
Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Budget Commission
Acceptance of state obligations
Maslikhat, Branch management
Conclusion of a PPP contract
Development of technical specifications
Industry management
Announcement of the competition
Industry management
Consideration of technical proposals, qualification selection
Industry management
Development of tender documentation and draft PPP agreement
AstanaInvest, Industry management
Approval and examination of tender documentation
Industry management,Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Department of Finance
Рассмотрение вопроса по выплатам государственных обязательств
Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Budget Commission
Invitation to the second stage of the competition
Industry management
Consideration of competitive applications and determination of the best
Introduction of a feasibility study or PSD
Private partner
Consideration of the issue of accepting payments of state obligations
Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Budget Commission
Acceptance of state obligations
Maslikhat, Branch management
Conclusion of a PPP contract
⚫ The PPP project was initiated by a potential private partner in relation to an object that he owns or has a long-term lease.
⚫ The PPP project is inextricably linked with the realization of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual creative activity belonging to a potential partner.
⚫ The PPP project was initiated by a potential private partner in relation to objects / land plots for housing construction located in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent and the regions, which he owns or leases for a long time, and the project has design and estimate documentation with a positive conclusion of a comprehensive non-departmental examination and there is consent to provide collateral in the form of a pledge of land, construction in progress and design and estimate documentation.
Introduction of a business plan
Determination of the feasibility and necessity of the project implementation
Industry management
Verification of compliance with qualification requirements
Industry management
Notification of the PPP project
Industry management
Approval and examination of the business plan of the project
Branch Management, Department of Economics and Budget Planning
Provision of a draft PPP contract
Direct agreements on the terms of the PPP agreement
Approval of payments of state obligations
Branch Management, Department of Economics and Budget Planning, Budget Commission
Acceptance of state obligations
Maslikhat, Branch management
Conclusion of a PPP contract